I am preparing to embark on another amazing journey.Last year I wanted to do something big to fight breast cancer, and that is when I decided to walk in the Seattle 3-day Avon Breast Cancer walk. Everyone I knew thoght I was crazy to think that I could walk 60 miles in 3 days, but you know what? I did it! Along with 2,955 other courageous walkers, I walked 60 miles,slept in mobile tent cities, stood in long lines to take a shower in a semi trailer,stood in longer lines to use porta potties along the route, drank gallons of gatorade and water, all to help eradicate breast cancer from our lives.
I am going to celebrate my 10th anniversary of being a breast cancer survivor Nov 4th of this year. I am going to celebrate my life by giving back to others around me. In America this year, a new case of breast cancer will be diagnosed every 3 minutes. Every 13 minutes, the disease will take another life. I don't like those numbers! I have personally met many wonderful women with breast cancer, most of who are survivors like me. But there have have been too many that have lost their lives to breast cancer. One is too many for me; I would like to bring that number down to zero. Last December I lost a special friend to breast cancer; she was a wonderful wife mother and friend. She had 3 bouts with the disease, the last one was one too many, I will do everything possible so that more lives will be saved. I have only lost a breast, I still get to enjoy every new day and plan to enjoy many more to come.
This year the Seattle Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk will be Aug.9,10,11,and I will walk with 3,000 other courageous walkers from Enumclaw to Seattle. Joining me this year will be some very special women to me. My daughter Krista, my sister Bernie, my sister-in-law Lila and 2 special friends Brenda and Trish will be joining me on the walk this year. My husband Chris,my son Jeff, brother Chuck and brother-in-law Mike will be crewing the event this year. It means alot to me to have them joining in the fight to help eradicate breast cancer from our lives.
In order to walk I have agreed to raise $1900, but I have set my goal at $3,000, which is $50 a mile. If you would please consider making a fully tax deductible pledge to me to help meet my goal of $3,000, I would greatly appreciate it. Please make your funds out to "Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day" . All net proceeds will benefit Avon's Breast Cancer Awareness Crusade, a nonprofit initiative of Avon Products. Grants will be awarded to different areas of breast cancer, such as cutting edge medical research, early detection and treatment for women who cannot afford it on their own, and support to those that need it.
Thank you for letting me share my experience with you and please share this with your friends and family. Thank you. Anne Hirner
Please look at my pictures from last year and also sign my guestbook and remember to click on sign guestbook when you are finished. Hugs Anne